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Monday, April 19, 2010

How to use Google Earth with genealogy

Well, I've stumbled on a "new" (I use quotes because I'm sure that someone else has thought of it) tool to use with genealogy. When looking at deed records, they can be very hard to place in your head geographically. It's easy to look at the plat books, but to get a sense of where real objects listed in the deed (like rivers), you need to go there. But not any more. Here's what you need:
Google Earth (don't worry, it's free)
Then, you need to get your deed records, or if you don't have any, head here to look for the original land patents given out and see if your ancestor is listed. The more information you have, the easier it will be to find the record.
Then, write down the information listed in the record, specifically the state the land is in, the principal meridian (for example, Huntsville), the township and range, and optimally the section.
Then, you go to this web site, enter the information, and click on the "Fly to on Google Earth" button. Then, it will take you to the right section (if you entered it) and if you can read the description correctly, you can zoom in on your ancestors land!

This has been a real neat tool to use, and you get a sense of where your ancestor lived and what was around him/her geographically!

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